py-pyobjc-framework-ServiceManagement | Bridge between Python and Objective-C (ServiceManagement framework) | |
py-pyobjc-framework-Social | Bridge between Python and Objective-C (Social framework) | |
py-pyobjc-framework-SpriteKit | Bridge between Python and Objective-C (SpriteKit framework) | |
py-pyobjc-framework-StoreKit | Bridge between Python and Objective-C (StoreKit framework) | |
py-pyobjc-framework-SyncServices | Bridge between Python and Objective-C (SyncServices framework) | |
py-pyobjc-framework-SystemConfiguration | Bridge between Python and Objective-C (SystemConfiguration framework) | |
py-pyobjc-framework-Vision | Bridge between Python and Objective-C (Vision framework) | |
py-pyobjc-framework-WebKit | Bridge between Python and Objective-C (WebKit framework) | |
py-pyparsing | Parsing module for Python | |
py-Pyro | Distributed Object Technology system in Python | |
py-pyrsistent | Persistent/Functional/Immutable data structures | |
py-pysha3 | SHA-3 wrapper (keccak) for Python | |
py-pysvn | Python interface to Subversion | |
py-pyte | VTXXX-compatible terminal emulator library | |
py-pytemplate | Pytemplate gives python developpers a starting framework | |
py-pyutil | Collection of mature utilities for Python programmers | |
py-pyvex | Python bindings for Valgrind's VEX IR | |
py-queuelib | Collection of persistent (disk-based) queues | |
py-quixote | Framework for writing Python web application | |
py-radon | Code Metrics in Python | |
py-random2 | Python 3 compatible port of Python 2 random module | |
py-rauth | Python library for OAuth 1.0/a, 2.0, and Ofly consumers | |
py-readlike | GNU Readline-like line editing module | |
py-readline | Line editing support for Python | |
py-recaptcha (V) | Plugin for reCAPTCHA and reCAPTCHA Mailhide | |
py-rednose | Coloured output for nosetests | |
py-reparser | Simple regex-based lexer/parser for inline markup | |
py-repoze.lru | Tiny LRU cache implementation and decorator | |
py-requests | HTTP library, written in Python, for human beings | |
py-requests-file | Transport adapter for file:// URLs with the requests python lib | |
py-requests-ftp | FTP transport adapter for use with the requests Python lib | |
py-requests-futures | Asynchronous Python HTTP for Humans | |
py-requests-mock | Mock out responses from the requests package | |
py-requests-toolbelt | Utility belt for advanced users of python-requests | |
py-requests-unixsocket | Use requests to talk HTTP via a UNIX domain socket | |
py-restructuredtext_lint | reStructuredText linter | |
py-retry_decorator | Retry decorator for Python | |
py-rope | Python refactoring library | |
py-rply | Pure Python Lex/Yacc that works with RPython | |
py-ruamel-base | Common routines for ruamel packages | |
py-ruamel-ordereddict | Version of dict that keeps keys in insertion resp. sorted order | |
py-ruamel-yaml | YAML parser/emitter | |
py-ruamel-yaml-clib | C version of reader, parser and emitter for ruamel.yaml | |
py-scandir | Better directory iterator and faster os.walk() | |
py-scard | Python library for smart cards | |
py-selectors2 | Back-ported, durable, and portable selectors | |
py-semantic_version | Semantic version comparison for Python | |
py-serpent | Simple serialization library | |
py-setuptools | New Python packaging system | |
py-setuptools_scm | Manage your versions by scm tags | |
py-setuptools_scm_git_archive | Setuptools_scm plugin for git archives | |
py-setuptools_trial | Setuptools plugin for Twisted-based unit tests | |
py-setuptools-rust | Setuptools plugin for Rust support | |
py-setuptools44 | New Python packaging system (python 2.x version) | |
py-simplegeneric | Simple generic functions for Python | |
py-singledispatch | Library brings functools.singledispatch from Python 3.4 | |
py-sip (V) | Tool to create Python bindings for C++ libraries | |
py-sip-qt4 (V) | SIP bindings for C and C++ libraries (PyQt4 version) | |
py-sip-qt5 (V) | SIP bindings for C and C++ libraries (PyQt5 version) | |
py-slugify | Slugify (non-ASCII to ASCII) application that handles Unicode | |
py-smmap | Git implementation of a sliding window memory map manager | |
py-sortedcontainers | Sorted collections library written in pure-Python | |
py-Spans | Continuous set support for Python | |
py-speaklater | Implements a lazy string for python useful for use with gettext | |
py-stem | Python controller library for the tor daemon | |
py-stevedore | Manage dynamic plugins for Python applications | |
py-stompclient | Lightweight and extensible STOMP messaging client | |
py-stsci.distutils | Distutils/packaging-related utilities used by some of STScI's packages | |
py-subprocess32 | Backport of the subprocess module from Python 3.2/3.3 for use on 2.x | |
py-subversion | Python bindings and tools for Subversion | |
py-subvertpy | Alternative Python bindings for Subversion | |
py-sure | Python testing tool | |
py-sysctl | Python interface to sysctl(3) | |
py-termcolor | ANSI color output for terminals | |
py-test | Python testing tool | |
py-test-assume | Py.test plugin that allows multiple failures per test | |
py-test-asyncio | Pytest support for asyncio | |
py-test-benchmark | Pytest support for benchmarking | |
py-test-cache | Pytest plugin with mechanisms for caching across test runs | |
py-test-cov | Pytest plugin for measuring coverage | |
py-test-fixture-config | Fixture configuration utils for py.test | |
py-test-flake8 | Plugin plugin to check FLAKE8 requirements | |
py-test-forked | Run tests in isolated forked subprocesses | |
py-test-isort | Pytest plugin to perform isort checks (import ordering) | |
py-test-localserver | Py.test plugin to test server connections locally | |
py-test-mock | Thin-wrapper around the mock package for easier use with py.test | |
py-test-pylint | Pytest plugin to check source code with Pylint | |
py-test-pythonpath | Pytest plugin for adding to the PYTHONPATH | |
py-test-random-order | Randomise the order in which pytest tests are run | |
py-test-randomly | Pytest plugin to randomly order tests and control random.seed | |
py-test-relaxed | Relaxed test discovery/organization for pytest | |
py-test-rerunfailures | Pytest plugin to re-run tests to eliminate flaky failures | |
py-test-runner | Invoke py.test as distutils command with dependency resolution | |
py-test-shutil | Unix shell and environment tools for py.test | |
py-test-sugar | Py.test plugin that changes the default look and feel | |
py-test-testmon | Py.test plug-in which selects tests affected by recent changes | |
py-test-timeout | Py.test plugin to abort hanging tests | |
py-test-utils | Utility functions for py.test | |
py-test-virtualenv | Virtualenv fixture for py.test | |
py-test-watch | Continuous pytest runner |